Yucatán Maya; Yucatec Maya dialect survey (State of Yucatán) (1963)

Collection Descriptive Notes
Robert Blair and Refugio Vermont-Salas elicit conversations ("authentic speech") from native Maya speakers (male and female) from the villages of Bulukax, Cantamayec, Dzitas, Kanasin, Merida, Peto, Pisté, Tekax, Ticul, Tixméuac, Tizimin, and Xocempich in the State of Yucatán.
Collection Technical Notes
All these tapes were collected in the Yucatan Peninsula in 1963 for the express purpose of being excerpted as authentic speech for the Spoken Yucatec Maya course, by Blair and Vermont. Norman McQuown listened to most of the tapes and prepared phonetic transcriptions of many of them in order to facilitate the selection of excerpts. (See also the report prepared by JJT on 6 April 2005 for a detailed survey of these tapes: "Yucatec Maya Dialect Survey..." in the binder, "J. Toth's Preservation Projects".) McQuown's transcriptions have now been scanned, and the WAVE files have now been converted to MP3s.
Blair, Robert W.; and Refugio Vermont-Salas, et al.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Bulukax Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Vermont, Candido (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Cantamayec: Dn. Cástulo Chan Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Chan, Cástulo (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Conversacion Maya; Canciones McQuown, Norman A. (participant); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Unnamed native speaker (male) (consultant); Unnamed male singer (singer); Unnamed female singer (singer) 1/4 inch audio tape
Conversaciones Mayas Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Ek’, Marcelino (consultant); Cawich, Waldemaro (consultant); "mujer de Chetumal" (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Dzitas 1 Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Unnamed male speaker (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Dzitas 2 Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Unnamed male speaker (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Dzitas 3 Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Unnamed male speaker (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Fiesta de Navidad Maya Unnamed native speakers (male) (speaker); Unnamed performers (performer) 1/4 inch audio tape
Kanasin Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Unnamed male speaker (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Merida: Gabino Camal Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Camal, Gabino (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Peto 1 Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Vermont, Hernán (consultant); Unnamed female speaker (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Peto 2 Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Vermont, Hernán (consultant); Unnamed female speaker (consultant); López, Antonio (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Peto 4 Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Vermont, Heliodoro (consultant); Vermont, Eleuteria (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Peto 5 Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Unnamed male speaker (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Pisté – El comisario Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); "El Comisario" (consultant); Unnamed male speaker [1] (consultant); Unnamed male speaker [2 (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Pustunich Unnamed male speaker (interviewer); [?], Umberto (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Tekax Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Tina, Doña (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Ticul: “Alfarera”, etc. Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Unnamed native speakers (female) (consultant); Unnamed native speakers (male) (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Tixméuac 1 Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Unnamed female speaker (consultant); Unnamed male speaker (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Tixméuac 2 Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Cel, Alfonso (consultant); Unnamed native speaker(s) (male) (consultant); Blair, Robert W. (interviewer) 1/4 inch audio tape
Tizimin Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Unnamed male speaker(s) (consultant); Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Unnamed female speaker (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Xocempich: tienda Blair, Robert W. (interviewer); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (interviewer); Unnamed male speaker (consultant); Unnamed female speaker (consultant); Unnamed male speaker (interviewer) 1/4 inch audio tape
YCT (DS) Dial./’60s DAT#1 DAT
YCT (DS) Dial./’60s DAT#10 DAT
YCT (DS) Dial./’60s DAT#11 BUM Blair, Robert W. (researcher); Vermont-Salas, Refugio (researcher); Unknown (consultant) DAT