San Bartolo 31

Content description Contents [Note that the serial number assigned to each consultant follows his or her name]:

Side 1: Track 1 (in the half-track configuration):
>Manuela Calvo Soy Tulan (583) gives Tzotzil tokens
for the Spanish ones. (7/20/61)
Side 1: Track 2 (in the quarter-track configuration):
>Antonia Espinosa Palam (596) (969), Part 1 (Tzotzil)
(7/17/61) [Her name is given here in the full form:
Antonia Espinosa de la Torre Palam.]
Side 2: Track 2 (in the quarter-track configuration):
>Antonia Espinosa Palam (596) (969), Part 2 (Spanish)
Side 2, Track 2 (in the quarter-track configuration):
>Jose Lopez Vásquez (600) (972) gives the Tzotzil
equivalents for the Spanish tokens. (7/16/61)

[Each consultant comes from a barrio of Venustiano Carranza: Manuela from Pimiento, Antonia from Convento, and Jose from Convento.]
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium 1/4 inch audio tape
Contributor Vasquez Cajol, Jose (600) (972) (consultant); Espinosa Palam, Antonia (596) (969) (consultant); Calvo Soy Tulan, Manuela (583) (consultant); Sarles, Harvey B. (interviewer)
Notes Tape consists, perhaps, of both an original field recording and some copies. Two tapes are apparently spliced together, requiring a certain change of nomenclature. So it is necessary to refer to the "sides" of the tape. In addition, the two "sides" were recorded on two different machines: a half-track machine for the Manuela interview, and a quarter-track machine for the other two. The consultants have been assigned two codes apparently to distinguish between them as Tzotzil speakers and as Spanish speakers.
Discourse Type Interactive Discourse
Linguistic Data Type Field Recording
Creation Date 1961-07-16 1961-07-17 1961-07-20

Belongs to these collections

Collection Title Languages Locations Contributor
The Chiapas Project; Tzotzil: San Bartolo field recordings (1961 series)