San Bartolo 28

Content description Contents [Note that the serial number assigned to each consultant follows his or her name; also note: the order of the consultants here reflects their order on the tape; furthermore, all the consultants are supplying Tzotzil tokens.]:

Track 1: a) Domingo Vásquez Huin ["Vazquez Win" on box] (588) (Date:
b) Domingo Espinosa Palam ["Espinoza Palem" on box] (593)
(Date: 7/11/61)
c) Pascual de la Torre Solano (587) (Date: 7/10/61)

Track 2: a) Lola Vásquez Huin ["Vazquez Win" on box] (586) (Date:
b) José Gómez Vásquez ["Vazquez ’Ulub’ " on box] (589)
(Date: 7/10/61)
c) Diego Vásquez ’Uc’um ["Vazquez Ukum" on box] (579)
(Date: 7/11/61) [Note: at the end of the interview a man
speaking Spanish (Salas?) identifies this speaker and his
place of origin.]

[Note: The "Roster" gives the location for five of the consultants as the barrio of Convento in the comunidad of Venustiano Carranza (San Bartolomé de los Llanos); Diego Vasquez comes from Vega del Paso.]
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium 1/4 inch audio tape
Contributor Diaz de Salas, Marcelo (interviewer); Sarles, Harvey B. (interviewer); de la Torre Solano, Pascual (587) (consultant); Gomez Vasquez, Jose (589) (consultant); Vásquez ’Uc’um, Diego (579) (consultant); Vazquez Win, Domingo (588) (consultant); Espinosa Palam, Domingo (593) (consultant); Vasquez Huin, Lola (consultant)
Notes Tape is almost certainly a series of excerpts from the live recordings made c. 1961. The code number originally assigned to this tape was "S7" ["S"=Sarles?]. The tape itself appears to have been spliced together from other tapes. Note: There are very long silences between interviews on both tracks, and the first two interviews on Track 2 begin with very loud tones.
Discourse Type Interactive Discourse
Linguistic Data Type Field Recording
Creation Date c. 1961

Belongs to these collections

Collection Title Languages Locations Contributor
The Chiapas Project; Tzotzil: San Bartolo field recordings (1961 series)