Din lumea basmelor

Collection Descriptive Notes
A native speaker (male) reads the first fable (with musical accompaniment). The following two fables are dramatized by a cast of men, women and children. Incidental music accompanies these also.
Collection Technical Notes
Phonograph record is the 10-inch, 33 1/3 rpm, monophonic vinyl Electrecord disc, cat. no. EXD 79. (Gift of the Kostas Kazazis estate to the LLA on January 28, 2003) WAVE file is now converted to an MP3.
Antoniu, Costache; Dinu Ianculescu, et al.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
“Flăcăul cu mîini de aur”, by C. Bărbulescu Antoniu, Costache (speaker); Bărbulescu, Corneliu (author); Chelaru, Romeo (musical accompaniment) (performer); Creangă, Ion (author); Unnamed performers (male and female) (performer) Record