“Flăcăul cu mîini de aur”, by C. Bărbulescu

Content description Contents:

Side A: Flacaul cu miini de aur, by Corneliu Bărbulescu (as told by
Costache Antoniu)
Side B: a) Ursul păcălit de vulpe, by Ion Creanga (dramatized)
b) Capra cu trei iezi, by Ion Creanga (dramatized)
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium Record
Contributor Antoniu, Costache (speaker); Bărbulescu, Corneliu (author); Chelaru, Romeo (musical accompaniment) (performer); Creangă, Ion (author); Unnamed performers (male and female) (performer)
Notes Phonograph record is the 10-inch, 33 1/3 rpm, monophonic vinyl Electrecord disc, cat. no. EXD 79. Date of production is conjectural.
Discourse Type Narrative Drama
Linguistic Data Type Commercial Source
Creation Date c. 1960

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Din lumea basmelor Romanian Romania