Subject Languages:
Primary Languages:
Collection Descriptive Notes:
Deriving their vocabulary from a 200-item Swadesh list, Eric Hamp, Jerrold Sadock and other (unnamed) men put English tokens to a native speaker of Kalaallisut ["Greenlandic Eskimo"]. The native consultant then provides tokens in both Kalaallisut and Danish. (The Language Lab studio was used as the venue for the interviews.)
Collection Technical Notes:
Tapes are studio recordings made at the Language Laboratory in 1969-70. (The current order of the recordings is correct.) JJT wound the tapes off from their original seven-inch reels onto hubs in 1999. The WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
Olson, Carl; Eric Hamp, Jerrold Sadock, and a third (unnamed)