
Content description Contents=Track 2 of the tape (=Discs 65A - 67A; 73B - 76B; 88A - 89B)
Object Type Sound
Medium Sound
Notes This is a redigitization of Track 2 of the tape, done according to present standards. Tape was played at double speed (7.5 ips) on the TASCAM 42. Two ten-inch reels were used for the playback, and the tension setting was put on "large" to compensate for the dried-out condition of the tape. The output of the Channel One jack was split, and the two mono signals were patched into the UCA202 device, which was connected via a USB cable to the iMac running Audacity. JJT subsequently halved the "speed" of the file. He has not altered the contents in any way; i.e., they are just as Wahl recorded them.
Creation Date 2018-04-04
Duration 00:55:54

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