A. Bimbli’s interviews - 7/31/67

Content description Notes on the back of the box (in faint pencil):

July 31, 1967: Aleko Bimbli
Side I: About Albanian folktales / Vendetta and besa / Albanian society in Roman times / Mitat Frashëri, Balli Kombëtar, Communists during WWII / Northern chieftains during WWII.
Side II: The Partisans in North Albania / The aftermath of WWII / Ballists as refugees / Orthodox and Bektashi element in partisan movement / Faik Konitza/Fan Nolin.
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium 1/4 inch audio tape
Contributor Kazazis, Kostas (interviewer); Bimbli, Aleko (consultant)
Notes This is the original, live recording.
Discourse Type Interactive Discourse
Linguistic Data Type Campus Source
Creation Date 1967-07-31

Belongs to these collections

Collection Title Languages Locations Contributor
Kostas Kazazis interviews Aleko Bimbli (July-August 1967) Tosk Albanian Albania