Content description | Contents: Track 1: "En sommernatt på Krokskogen", by Asbjørnsen Track 2: Folgesvennen, by Asbjørnsen and Moe |
Object Type | PhysicalObject |
Medium | 1/4 inch audio tape |
Contributor | Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen (author); Moe, Jørgen Engebretsen (author); Male speaker (speaker) |
Notes | Tape is the copy sent from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The date of production is guesswork. |
Linguistic Data Type | Outside Source |
Creation Date | c. 1968 |
P. Christen / Asbjørsen og Moe
Belongs to these collections
Collection Title | Languages | Locations | Contributor |
Readings from Norwegian literature, issued by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Norwegian Nynorsk | Norway |