Quechua/Mannheim 2

Content description Contents:

Track 1: The unnamed female interviewer converses with an anonymous
female consultant (presumably from a place called
"Saqsincalla"); interviews with two unnamed male speakers and
a female consultant follow.
Track 2: The unnamed female interviewer converses with a native
speaker (female)

[Note: This cassette did not have a number; assigning "[6]" to it is
therefore arbitrary, based partly on the date of the dubbing. Since
the codes of the WAVE files are based on the cassette (or tape)
number, the code "saq'" is substituted.]
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium 1/4 inch audio tape
Contributor Mannheim, Bruce (researcher); Anonymous consultants (male and female) (consultant); Unnamed female interviewer (interviewer)
Notes Tape was dubbed thru mixer from the field recorded C-90 cassette supplied by Bruce Mannheim; JJT, rec. eng., 4/5/78.
Discourse Type Interactive Discourse
Linguistic Data Type Field Recording
Creation Date 1978-04-05

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