Lakota vocabulary from a Swadesh list (de Reuse, 1988)

Collection Descriptive Notes
De Reuse puts vocabulary tokens from a Swadesh list to Vincent Catches, who supplies the Lakota equivalents. This recording was made on 5/9/88 at the Language Laboratory in connection with the Linguistics Field Methods de Reuse taught in Spring Quarter, 1988.
Collection Technical Notes
Master cassette may or may not be the original recording, which was done on a cassette machine. WAVE file is now converted to an MP3.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
lkt-swadesh-1988-A Sound
Lakota: Swadesh list - 5/9/88 de Reuse, Willem (interviewer); Catches, Vincent (consultant); Unnamed female student (participant); Unnamed male student (participant) 1/8 inch audio cassette