Introduction to the Polish language: Lessons 1-13 (plus supplemental text); "Przeczucie Profesora Tutki"

Collection Descriptive Notes
Faculty member and native speaker of Polish, Janina Golab, voices Lessons 1-13 of this course, with pauses for the student to repeat. After Lesson 13 she appends a story apparently as a supplement to the course. She reads this as well with pauses.
Collection Technical Notes
Tapes are studio recordings made at the Language Lab in October-November 1966. Note: As the tape was being returned to the box, the hub separated from the pack, and the tape could not be salvaged. WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Introduction to the Polish language Golab, Janina (speaker); Birkenmayer, Sigmund S. (author); Folejewski, Zbigniew (author) 1/4 inch audio tape