A start in Yoruba (preliminary edition)

Collection Descriptive Notes
A man speaking American English and a native male speaker voice Lessons 1-10 apparently from the preliminary text (1962) filed in the DMA (q.v.).
Collection Technical Notes
Tapes are apparently dubs made c. 1963 at the Language Lab from copies sent from California. The text filed in the DMA (q.v.) was apparently sent with the tapes. It has been digitized. (Unreviewed) WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
A start in Yoruba (preliminary edition) Welmers, William E. (author); Hill, Kenneth C. (author) Text
Lessons 1, 2 & 4 (YRB 2.1 (M)) Unnamed male speaker (speaker); Unnamed native speaker (male) (speaker); Welmers, William E. (author); Hill, Kenneth C. (author) 1/4 inch audio tape
Lessons 3, 5 & 6 (YRB 2.2 (M)) Unnamed male speaker (speaker); Unnamed native speaker (male) (speaker); Welmers, William E. (author); Hill, Kenneth C. (author) 1/4 inch audio tape
Lessons 7-8 (YRB 2.3 (M)) Hill, Kenneth C. (author); Welmers, William E. (author); Unnamed male speaker (speaker); Unnamed native speaker (male) (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
YRB 2.4 (M) Welmers, William E. (author); Hill, Kenneth C. (author) 1/4 inch audio tape