A reader for advanced spoken Tamil: Five radio plays

Collection Descriptive Notes
Each play (“aaru maNikkuL”, “singiL Tii”, “enrum muppatu”, “cuvarroTTi”, and “viiTTu taraku”) is presented as broadcast (from Trichy station of All-India Radio in the winter and spring of 1966) with each scene followed by a slow reading of the scene and variation drills. The text, by Harold Schiffman is now to be found in Regenstein Library.
Collection Technical Notes
Tapes were dubbed in 1972 from the 3.75 ips, half-track copies sent from the U. of Washington and lent to the LLA by James Lindholm. Note: the spelling of the plays’ titles conforms to the conventions of Schiffman’s text.
Various recordists (unnamed)
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
“Viittut taraku” (TAM 25.5 (M)) Unnamed speakers (speaker); Schiffman, Harold (author); Unnamed performers (performer) 1/4 inch audio tape
“Singil tii” (TAM 25.2 (M)) Unnamed (speaker); Schiffman, Harold (author) 1/4 inch audio tape
“Enrum muppatu” (TAM 25.3 (M)) Unnamed speakers (speaker); Schiffman, Harold (author); Unnamed performers (performer) 1/4 inch audio tape
“Cuvarotti” (TAM 25.4 (M)) Unnamed performers (performer); Schiffman, Harold (author); Unnamed speakers (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
“Aaru manikkul” (TAM 25.1 (M)) Unnamed performers (performer); Schiffman, Harold (author); Unnamed speakers (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape