Collection Descriptive Notes | Each play (“aaru maNikkuL”, “singiL Tii”, “enrum muppatu”, “cuvarroTTi”, and “viiTTu taraku”) is presented as broadcast (from Trichy station of All-India Radio in the winter and spring of 1966) with each scene followed by a slow reading of the scene and variation drills. The text, by Harold Schiffman is now to be found in Regenstein Library. |
Collection Technical Notes | Tapes were dubbed in 1972 from the 3.75 ips, half-track copies sent from the U. of Washington and lent to the LLA by James Lindholm. Note: the spelling of the plays’ titles conforms to the conventions of Schiffman’s text. |
Contributor | Various recordists (unnamed) |
This collection has no playable audio.
Title | Contributor | Medium |
“Viittut taraku” (TAM 25.5 (M)) | Unnamed speakers (speaker); Schiffman, Harold (author); Unnamed performers (performer) | 1/4 inch audio tape |
“Singil tii” (TAM 25.2 (M)) | Unnamed (speaker); Schiffman, Harold (author) | 1/4 inch audio tape |
“Enrum muppatu” (TAM 25.3 (M)) | Unnamed speakers (speaker); Schiffman, Harold (author); Unnamed performers (performer) | 1/4 inch audio tape |
“Cuvarotti” (TAM 25.4 (M)) | Unnamed performers (performer); Schiffman, Harold (author); Unnamed speakers (speaker) | 1/4 inch audio tape |
“Aaru manikkul” (TAM 25.1 (M)) | Unnamed performers (performer); Schiffman, Harold (author); Unnamed speakers (speaker) | 1/4 inch audio tape |