¡Adelante! a cultural approach to intermediate Spanish (second edition)

Collection Descriptive Notes
Lessons 1-18
Collection Technical Notes
Masters were dubbed from the 3.75 ips, half-track publisher’s tapes (on seven-inch reels) lent to the LLA by Roger Utt; JJT, rec. eng., c. 1981.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
SPN 12.1 (M) 1/4 inch audio tape
SPN 12.2 (M) 1/4 inch audio tape
SPN 12.3 (M) 1/4 inch audio tape
SPN 12.4 (M) 1/4 inch audio tape
SPN 12.5 (M) 1/4 inch audio tape
SPN 12.6 (M) 1/4 inch audio tape
SPN 12.7 (M) 1/4 inch audio tape
SPN 12.8 (M) 1/4 inch audio tape
SPN 12.9 (M) 1/4 inch audio tape