Huastec texts: Field recordings on aluminum discs (Andrade, 1933); Textos huastecos

Collection Descriptive Notes
in 1933 Andrade recorded native speakers (male) from the states of San Luis Potosí and Veracruz, who related their life stories, recited folktales and other stories, and read word-lists. The locales represented are: Chinampa, San Antonio, Tamaletóm, Tampemoch, Tancanhuitz, Tancoco, Tantocoy and Zacamixtle. Note: In McQuown's usage "text" or "texto" refers to a discrete passage of spoken language.
Collection Technical Notes
Phonograph records are the 31 field-recorded aluminum discs, all belonging to the "Fairchild Professional Record" brand ("Licensed by Kemsen Corp."). All but Disc No. 32 (which is eight inches in diameter) are ten inches in diameter. (It is not known why there is no Disc No. 31, but at the same time a Disc No. 32.) Note: Sides "A" and "B" are determined by the embossed label in the middle of each disc, Side A being the one with the raised embossing. Also note: The first 40 texts were transcribed and translated. (In the 1950s a complete set of tape dubs was made from the discs (see ID #4608)). WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
Ceferino, Manuel; Aguilar Altamirano; Higinio Hernández;
J. Victor Saldaña; Ignacio Angel; Solis Agustin; Juan Salvador; Herculano Pablo, consultants
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Huastec No. 15 Andrade, Manuel J. (recorder); Angel, Ignacio (consultant) Record
Huastec No. 14 Andrade, Manuel J. (researcher); Angel, Ignacio (consultant) Record
Huastec No. 13 Andrade, Manuel J. (researcher); Saldaña, Victor (consultant) Record
Huastec No. 12 Andrade, Manuel J. (researcher); Saldaña, Victor (consultant) Record
Huastec No. 11 Andrade, Manuel J. (researcher); Saldaña, Victor (consultant) Record
Huastec No. 10 Andrade, Manuel J. (researcher); Saldaña, Victor (consultant) Record
Huastec No. 1 Andrade, Manuel J. (researcher); Ceferino, Manuel (consultant) Record