Good American pronunciation

Collection Descriptive Notes
“For use with The Thorndike-Century Dictionaries / Jr. Dictionary gr[ades]. 4-8 Sr. Dictionary, gr[ades]. 7-up / ‘Providing a new, simple, authoritative key for indicating pronunciation’ ”--from Side B of disc
Collection Technical Notes
Professor Miles L. Hanley, University of Wisconsin, is also identified as “Chairman of the Thorndike-Century Pronunciation Advisory Committee [of] Scott, Foresman and Company”. (Clarence E. Parmenter Collection)
Hanley, Miles L.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
eng-gdamprnc-1.2 Sound
eng-gdamprnc-1.1 Sound
“Good American Pronunciation” Hanley, Miles L. (recorder); Unknown (consultant) Record