Songs of the Patuas (or Citrakaras) of Tamluk, Midnapore District, West Bengal

Collection Descriptive Notes
Sarkar and his collaborator, Tarasish Mukherjee, interview a family (?) of folk singers from West Bengal and records their songs (Kolkata, August 18 to September 17, 1981). (These recordings were done as part of the Oral Recording Project of the American Institute of Indian Studies in Kolkata.)
Collection Technical Notes
Tapes are Sarkar’s field-recorded tapes, donated by him to the LLA on 8/18/82. The boxed tapes are now stored in an 11” box. Sarkar included a table of contents for each tape in each box; these texts are now scanned and have been placed in the vertical file VF03. ]WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
Citrakara, Dukhusyama (assisted by Banamali Citrakara), and
Syamsundara Citrakara
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
BEN 88.2.1 (M) Mukherjee, Tarasish (compiler); Sarkar, Aditi Nath (compiler); Citrakara, Dukhusyama (performer) 1/4 inch audio tape
BEN 88.2.2 (M) Mukherjee, Tarasish (compiler); Sarkar, Aditi Nath (compiler); Citrakara, Banamali (performer); Citrakara, Dukhusyama (performer) 1/4 inch audio tape
BEN 88.2.3 (M) Mukherjee, Tarasish (compiler); Sarkar, Aditi Nath (compiler); Citrakara, Syamasundara (performer) 1/4 inch audio tape