Subject Languages:
Primary Languages:
Collection Descriptive Notes:
Prof. Funke reads each Lied fluently, except for the Schumann setting of “Mondnacht”, which he reads with pauses. Disc 5L: A. Important German Sounds; B. Schumann: Mondnacht (Eichendorff) [and] Schubert: Ueber allen Gipfel is Ruh (Goethe); Disc 6L: A.Bach: Mein glaübiges [Herz]; Mozart: Des Veilchen (Goethe); Beethoven: Freudvoll und leidvoll (Goethe); Schubert: Du bist die Ruh; B. Schumann: Ich grolle nicht (Heine); Brahms: Wiegenlied (Simrock); Wolf: Gesang Weylas (Mörike) [and] R. Strauss: Traum durch die Dämmerung (Bierbaum)
Collection Technical Notes:
Dr. Milton Cowan of the University of Iowa oversaw the making of these recordings. Note: These discs cannot now be played since the spindle holes are to narrow. (Clarence E. Parmenter Collection)
Funke, Erich
Milton Cowan, supervisor of recording
Milton Cowan, supervisor of recording