Burushaski: Texts

Content description Under the guidance of Greg Anderson the native consultant tells stories in both English and Burushaski about his educational plans and his life back in Yasin, Pakistan.The topics are (as noted by the researchers):
1) Life story
2) Life in Yasin
3) YB vs. HB
4) The Fa[inir] and The Cow (PhotoBah[a])
5) Marriage
6) Musicians
7) Life in Yasin II: growing up
8) Family life
9) The Raja and the English Geographer
10) First time in America
11) Wawka [or Waw ka] Momus
12) Life in Yasin III

[Note: The spelling of the consultant's name is guesswork.]
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium DAT
Contributor Anderson, Gregory D.S. (researcher); Eggert, Randall H. (researcher); Ahmad, Fazil (consultant)
Notes DAT consists of the original studio recordings made on 6/18/98, 6/19/98, 6/22/98 and 6/23/98.
Discourse Type Narrative
Linguistic Data Type Studio Recording
Creation Date 1998-06-18 1998-06-19 1998-06-22 1998-06-23

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