“Après la bataille”

Content description Contents:

Side A: 1) Après la bataille (recited by Henri Rollan ("de la Comédie-
2) Demain dès l'aube (recited by André Falcon ("Sociétaire de la
3) Le carillon (recited by Lise Delamare ("Sociétaire de la
Side B: "Les pauvres gens (X) (recited by Louis Seigner ("Sociétaire de
la Comédie-Française"
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium Record
Contributor Rollan, Henri (speaker); Falcon, André (speaker); Delamare, Lise (speaker); Seigner, Louis (speaker); Hugo, Victor (author)
Notes Phonograph record is a 10-inch, 78 rpm, monophonic lacquer Pléiade disc, cat. no. P121, with the matrix numbers: RS-126 and RS-125. (Note: The order of the sides follows the labels on the disc: X-7b (and) X-7a. Date of production is conjectural.
Linguistic Data Type Commercial Source
Creation Date c. 1950

Belongs to these collections

Collection Title Languages Locations Contributor
Victor Hugo: Four poems: "Après la bataille", etc. French France