McDavid-Mauer [parts 1 & 2]

Content description Contents:

Track 1: The discussion between McDavid and Maurer begins after a five
-minute conversation between Maurer and family members (?)
on fishing. Maurer mentions the purchase (for $46) of a five-
hour spool of silver wire, and at one point a Spanish-language
phonograph record is played (to test the wire recorder?). The
probable location of these recordings is the University of
Track 2: McDavid and Maurer continue their conversation.
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium 1/4 inch audio tape
Contributor McDavid, Raven I., Jr. (speaker); Maurer, David W. (speaker); Unnamed female speaker (speaker)
Notes This tape is a copy made from the first of a set of four tapes lent to the Language Lab probably in 1962 (see note inside box). McDavid's tapes were apparently dubbed for him from one (or more) private recordings made originally on silver wire. The mention of the dates 1959 and 1960 indicate a date of 1960-62 for the recording. Note: the quality of the sound is very poor.
Discourse Type Interactive Discourse
Linguistic Data Type Outside Source
Creation Date c. 1962

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