Examples of tones in Norwegian [...]

Content description Contents:

Track 1: Examples of tones in Norwegian
Track 2: Norwegian sounds in groups for comparison
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium 1/4 inch audio tape
Contributor Stöverud, T. (speaker); Anglo-Norse Society (developer)
Notes “This storage master consists of the original on five-inch reel (distributed by the A.S. Lydbåndservice, Oslo), wound off onto a hub. Supplied to Lab by T. Schiff. JTT 7/30/76.”--from the back of the box. The date of production is conjectural.
Linguistic Data Type Commercial Source
Creation Date c. 1970

Belongs to these collections

Collection Title Languages Locations Contributor
Sounds in Norwegian (Anglo-Norse Society, c. 1970) Norwegian Bokmål Norway