Qu-9-Ch (QUI 85.WAC.14 [CH] (OT))

Content description Contents (from the back of the box):

31 May of 1965 #10
Pasó T Lt. D 9 de Junio 65
P[adre?] Francisco Salazar, 62 años
Gabriel Mejia Perez 53 años
Miguel Ajpop Lucas San Antonio Ilotenango 30 años
Jamilia Batz, Cantón Xetinab [Chetinab?]
Julio Gomez Batz 35 años
Juan Gomez, 23 [años]

2o lado
Domingo Gomez, 59 años Quiché
Juana Batz Garcia (Toto Quiché)
Mateo Gomez, 28 años Quiché [+ unreadable word]
Cleto Gomez Betz, Chetinab, 26 años
Jose Silverio Gomez, 31 años

[Note: The recording consists mostly of conversation, so the participation of Cochojil-Gonzalez has to be assumed. Also note: The code "Ch" in the title stands for "Chiché" but the handwrting on the back of the box spells "Quiché"; i.e., the department of that name.]
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium 1/4 inch audio tape
Contributor Salazar, P. Francisco (consultant); Mejia Perez, Gabriel (consultant); Ajpop Lucas, Miguel (consultant); Batz, Jamilia (consultant); Gómez, Juan (consultant); Gomez, Domingo (consultant); Batz Garcia, Juana (consultant); Gomez, Mateo (consultant); Gomez Betz, Cleto (consultant); Gomez, Jose Silverio (consultant); Cochojil-González, Remigio (interviewer)
Notes Tape is the original field recording. Note: The gain levels on the tape vary considerably. Also note: It is not known at this time what "Pasó T Lt. D 9 de Junio 65" means.--JJT, 7/17/18
Discourse Type Interactive Discourse
Linguistic Data Type Field Recording
Creation Date 1965-05-31

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