Donato Aymachualle (Kuchuma)

Content description Contents:

Track 1: Beginning of the Donato Aymachualle interview (conducted by
both Mannheim and the unnamed female interviewer)
Track 2: Conclusion of the interview

[Note: The note Kuchuma" after D.A.'s name is apparently a place name.]
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium 1/4 inch audio tape
Contributor Mannheim, Bruce (interviewer); Anonymous male consultant (consultant); Unnamed female interviewer (interviewer)
Notes Tape was dubbed directly (thru mixer) from the C-60 field-recorded cassette supplied by Bruce Mannheim; not filtered; JJT, rec. eng., 4/12/78.
Discourse Type Interactive Discourse
Linguistic Data Type Field Recording
Creation Date 1978-04-12

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