Otomi: “Witnessing” text

Content description Contents:

Track 1: Speaker No. 1's witness (beginning)
Track 2: Speaker No. 1's witness (conclusion)
Speaker No. 2's witness
Speaker No. 3's witness

Note: Toward the end of the tape one hears a recitation of John 3:16 in Spanish, then Otomi.
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium 1/4 inch audio tape
Contributor Bartholomew, Doris A. (researcher); Unnamed native consultants (male) (consultant)
Notes Tape is described as “copy of original to adjust speed”, made in the Language Lab c. 1965. The tape was transferred from the original seven-inch reel to a hub by JJT on 11/5/79. Note: JJT has saved the back of the original box (with Norman McQuown's notations) and placed it inside the new box.
Discourse Type Narrative
Linguistic Data Type Field Recording
Creation Date c. 1965

Belongs to these collections

Collection Title Languages Locations Contributor
Otomi: Witnessing texts (D. Bartholomew, c. 1964)