D-ale carnavalului

Content description Contents:

Side A: "D-ale carnavalului", directed by S. Alexandrescu (beginning)
Side 2: "D-ale carnavalului" (concluded)
"Amicii", directed by Paul Stratilat
"Tren de placere", directed by S. Alexandrescu
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium Record
Contributor Caragiale, Ion Luca (author); Alexandrescu, Sică (director) (interpreter); Stratilat, Paul (director) (interpreter); Atanasiu, Niki, et al. (performer)
Notes Phonograph record is the 12-inch, 16 2/3 rpm, monophonic vinyl Electrecord disc, cat. no. 16-EXE 0348. The date of production is conjectural.
Discourse Type Drama
Linguistic Data Type Commercial Source
Creation Date c. 1961

Belongs to these collections

Collection Title Languages Locations Contributor
I.L. Caragiale: Three plays ("D-ale carnavalului") Romanian Romania