Local knowledge: on the largeness of partial views

Content description A man who is probably Fred Eggan introduces Geertz's lecture, given at the University of Chicago on 26 November 1979--the last lecture in the commemorative series. Note: The title on the cassette label is: "Local knowledge: On the largeness of partial news [corrected to "views"]", whereas Eggan gives the above title (which must be correct).
Object Type PhysicalObject
Medium 1/8 inch audio cassette
Contributor Geertz, Clifford (speaker); Eggan, Fred (speaker)
Notes Master cassette may or may not be the live recording, which was done on both sides of the cassette. In any case, the present copy was prepared by the The University of Chicago Office of Radio and Television Production. Inasmuch as JJT made a back-up copy in December 1979, the cassette must have come to the LLA in late 1979.
Linguistic Data Type Campus Source
Creation Date 1979

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