Lachie MacDonald interviews; Scottish Gaelic: St. Kilda (Hamp, 1986)

Collection Descriptive Notes
Hamp, using English as the medium of communication, resumes his evocation of the Gaelic equivalents of English tokens from Lachie MacDonald, a native of St. Kilda. A young American woman (unnamed) assists Mr. Hamp with the recording.
Collection Technical Notes
The original series of field-recorded cassette tapes consisted of five C100s, of which three (III-V) remain in the Archive. (Nos. I and II were returned to Mr. Hamp.) Note that in the coding of the WAVE files Arabic numerals (i.e., "1" and "2") designate the copies and Roman numerals (III-V) designate the originals. The WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Scots Gaelic (I) Side Two MacDonald, Lachlan ("Lachie") (consultant); Hamp, Eric P. (interviewer) 1/8 inch audio cassette
Scots Gaelic (II) Side One Hamp, Eric P. (interviewer); MacDonald, Lachlan ("Lachie") (consultant) 1/8 inch audio cassette
Scots Gaelic (II) Side Two MacDonald, Lachlan ("Lachie") (consultant); Hamp, Eric P. (interviewer) 1/8 inch audio cassette
Hamp, Scots Gaelic, 1986, III Hamp, Eric P. (interviewer); MacDonald, Lachlan ("Lachie") (consultant); Unnamed female speaker (participant) 1/8 inch audio cassette
Hamp, Scots Gaelic, 1986, IV Hamp, Eric P. (interviewer); MacDonald, Lachlan ("Lachie") (consultant); Unnamed female speaker (participant) 1/8 inch audio cassette
Hamp, Scots Gaelic, 1986, V Hamp, Eric P. (interviewer); MacDonald, Lachlan ("Lachie") (consultant); Unnamed female speaker (participant) 1/8 inch audio cassette
Scots Gaelic (I) Side One Hamp, Eric P. (interviewer); MacDonald, Lachlan ("Lachie") (consultant); Unnamed woman (participant) 1/8 inch audio cassette
HampSG2.1b Sound
HampSG2.1a Sound
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HampSG1.2a Sound
HampSG1.1b Sound
HampSG1.1a Sound
HampSG1986.5b Sound
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HampSG1986.4a Sound
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HampSG1986.3a Sound
HampSG2.2b Sound
HampSG2.2a Sound