Hagi Tudose, adaptare de Traian Stoica

Collection Descriptive Notes
Professional troupe performs this play, adapted for the stage by Stoica from Delavrancea's novel of the same name.
Collection Technical Notes
Phonograph record is the 12-inch, 33 1/3 rpm, monophonic vinyl Electrecord disc, cat. no. EXE 0621. Back of the album has been scanned. (Gift of the Kostas Kazazis estate to the LLA on January 28, 2003) WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
Bălțățeanu, Nicolae; Ion Finteșteanu, et al.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Hagi Tudose, adaptare de Traian Stoica Delavrancea, Barbu Ștefănescu (author); Stoica, Traian (adaptor) (editor); Ṣahigian, Ion (director) (interpreter); Bălțățeanu, Nicolae, et al. (performer); Moglescu, V. (author of the album notes) (author) Record