
Dirari: Interview with Ben Murray (1974)
Discorsi storici de Benito Mussolini
Discourse Graphbank
Discs français
Discs italiens
Discussion of Nakhi cremation rites; Discussion of Naxi cremation rites
Dissur [? ]
Documents pertaining to Clarence Parmenter; Eric Hamp speaks about Clarence Parmenter [notes]
Documents pertaining to Clarence Parmenter; Interview with Sarah Wilson, niece of Clarence Parmenter (9/21/93)
Documents pertaining to Clarence Parmenter; Lewis DeBlois writes to Clarence Parmenter (1938)
Dodos [Karamojong]
Don Juan Tenorio: Drama religioso-fantastico en dos partes, by José Zorilla
Dr. Otto Will does three therapeutic interviews (1952); Interview microanalysis
Drei Hörspiele
Drill materials for Jukun (Takum dialect, Wukari Province, Northern Nigeria)
Drum and flute music (Mexico) [Unidentified]
Drums of the Yoruba of Nigeria (recorded by William Bascom at Oyo in 1951)
DSP Sona-Graph Model 5500: “A speech analysis workstation”
DSP Sona-Graph training tape
Du Bellay: Seven poems
Du sollst nicht stehlen
Duellen (from Norsk litteraturantologi)
Dúo Ruiz-Acuña performs dance music (cueca and gato)
Dutch Yiddish (1958)
Dwight Bolinger: “Nondeclaratives from an intonational standpoint” (4/17/82)
E. Adamson Hoebel, interviewed by Judith Modell and Robert Bieder c. 1971 at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis)
Early English poetry [Old and Middle English]
Eastern Assamese reading
Edith Piaf: but not forgotten!
Edo Polytekhneio!
Eduardo Marquina reads two short works; El Rey Trovador and Lances de amor
Educators’ roundtable on technology in foreign language education
EDUCOM: The best of ’93
Ein Märchen: “Der dichter”
Einführung in die georgische Sprache: Volume II
Ejercicios tonales
El alcalde de Zalamea, by Calderon de la Barca
El cepillo de dientes (from: Teatro Contemporáneo Series)
El inglés hablado para los que hablan español
El mágico prodigioso
El nahuatl moderno de Milpa Alta (McQuown, 1955)
El parque de Maria Luisa
El son entero: a collection of poems by Nicolás Guillén
Elementary Arabic: A series planned by Frederic Du Pre Thornton; Selections from Thornton’s Arabic series: Volume III
Elementary Chinese
Elementary Japanese for college students
Elementary modern Chinese: Mandarin sound system (revised, 1999)
Elementary modern standard Arabic (revised, 1975-76)