The Chiapas Project; Tzotzil conversations (Hidalgo & Sarles, 1961)

Collection Descriptive Notes
In 1961 at Venustiano Carranza (San Bartolomé de los Ilanos), Chiapas, collaborators "Bal" Hidalgo and H.B. Sarles interviewed numerous native speakers of various ages and both genders. Sarles later made 12 excepts from these recordings, accompanied by extensive explanatory notes and transcripts (q.v.)
Collection Technical Notes
Tape consists of 12 excerpts made by Sarles from the original field recordings (intended, perhaps, as supporting documentation for his doctoral dissertation). The transcription is now scanned, and WAVE file is now converted to an MP3.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Yucatec Maya (?) Sarles, 1962 Jiménez, Mariano, et al. (consultant); Sarles, Harvey B. (compiler); Hidalgo, Bartolomé ("Bal") (599) (968) (interviewer); Sarles, Harvey B. (recorder) 1/4 inch audio tape