Glenn Ward Dresbach, interviewed by Thorpe Menn and Edsel Ford

Collection Descriptive Notes
Menn (literary editor of the Kansas City Star) and Ford (a poet) interviewed Dresbach on August 26, 1962.
Collection Technical Notes
The DAT master was dubbed from an open-reel copy of the original interview lent to the LLA by Regenstein Library.
Dresbach, Glenn Ward; Thorpe Menn, and Edsel Ford
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Dresbach speaks BU2 Dresbach, Glenn Ward (speaker); Menn, Thorpe (speaker); Ford, Edsel (\) DAT
Dresbach speaks BUM Dresbach, Glenn Ward (speaker); Menn, Thorpe (speaker); Ford, Edsel (speaker) DAT
Glenn Ward Dresbach [...] Dresbach, Glenn Ward (speaker); Menn, Thorpe (speaker); Ford, Edsel (speaker) CD