The history of music in sound: Volume I: Ancient and oriental music

Collection Descriptive Notes
Music of Japan: 1) Gagaku (Court music);2) Rokodan (Nos. 1, 3 & 6;3) Chidori-no-Kyoku; 4) Shinichi yuize;India: Folk Music: 1) Rice transplanting song (Western Ghats);2 ) Harvest processional song (Western Ghats); 3) Toda song (Nilgiri Mountains); 4) Death wail (Cape Comorin); 5) Afridi song (Khyber Pass); 6) Marathi weaver’s song (Hyderabad); 7) Bhajan (Hyderabad);India: Classical Music: 1) Sundari Nann’indarilo (Telugu) (Carnatic devotional song); 2) Pahâdī; 3) Kankariyé jî na Mâro (Hindi); 4) Râga kedâra;Jewish Music: 1) Lamĕassêah ȧl Haġġitit (Psalm 8); 2) Mŏhôlel kôl weḫôl johôl; 3) Al năhă bobal hoseḫoh;Ancient Greece: 1) First Dephic hymn; 2) Epitaph of Seikilos;Music of Islam (Near East): 1) Muezzin’s call to prayer; 2) Taqsīm Bayātī (Turkish); 3) Bedouin song (from el-Fayūm);Music of Islam (Iraq): 1) Tahher fouadaka bil-rāhāt; 2) Yanaees el tarfe;Music of Islam (The Maghrib): 1) Omri alayki (Moroccan); 2) Alhazo zabi (Tunisian); 3) Fah el-banafseg (Algerian)
Collection Technical Notes
Dub of record No. 2 of a two-record set; Donald H. Ledin, rec. eng., c. 1964.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Volume I: Ancient and oriental music Unknown (recorder) 1/4 inch audio tape