Theoretical foundations of American Sign Language Phonology (Diane Brentari’s PH.D. dissertation)

Collection Descriptive Notes
Collection Technical Notes
Brentari, Diane, researcher
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
ASL Phonology: Examples 1-14 Brentari, Diane (researcher) VHS
Chapter 2 examples with numbers Brentari, Diane (researcher) VHS
Chapter 3 (Copy of KLL copy) Brentari, Diane (researcher) VHS
Chapter 3 [incomplete] COPY Brentari, Diane (researcher) VHS
Chapter 4: examples Brentari, Diane (researcher) VHS
Chapters 1, 2 & 3 (edited master) Brentari, Diane (researcher) VHS
Chapters 4 & 5 (edited master) Brentari, Diane (researcher) VHS