
Modern Chinese
Modern Chinese readings and conversation
Modern Dutch: A first year college level audio-lingual course for the Dutch language [in two volumes]
Modern elementary Arabic; literary Arabic (c. 1967)
Modern elementary Arabic: Revised dialogues and summaries for Units 12-15
Modern Greek class (1971-72)
Modern Greek class (1971-72)
Modern Greek conversations with Kazazis [’69-’73]
Modern Hindi poetry readings [in English]
Modern Japanese: A basic reader: Volume I
Modern Japanese: A basic reader: Volume II (second edition) (read by Mr. Masahige Tsutsumi)
Modern Japanese: A basic reader: Volume II (second edition), read by Mr. Komai
Modern Persian poetry: An anthology
Modern Persian reader II, Intermediate (Moayyad version)
Modern Persian reader II, Intermediate (Nashat version)
Modern Persian reader, Book III: "Farsi shikar ast"
Modern Persian–Elementary level: Volume I
Modern Persian–Elementary level: Volume II
Modern Portuguese
Modern Portuguese: A project of the Modern Language Association
Modern Romanian
Modern Russian I
Modern Russian II: a project of Syracuse University under contract with the United States Office of Education
Modern Russian II: Lessons 19-28
Modern spoken Cambodian: pronunciation drills, dialogues, and comprehension exercises (1974)
Modern spoken Tibetan: Lhasa dialect, by M.C. Goldstein and Nawang Nornang (1970) [incomplete]
Modern Syriac / Persian / Kurdish texts on an aluminum disc (c. 1935)
Mono phonetics and vocabulary (Schrag, 1998)
Montesquieu: L’esprit des lois: Three excerpts
Montesquieu: Lettres Persanes: Two excerpts
Morte e vida Severina
Moskva (from Norsk litteraturantologi)
Møte i Mars (from Norsk litteraturantologi)
Motozintleco vocabulary [Mocho]
Mówimy po polsku: a beginners’ course of Polish
Mr. Giannis Demou on the present state of the new Greek (?)
Mrs. Datta sings, accompanying herself on the tanpura
Multi-dimensional curriculum design (Joan Morley)
Mundari song and instrumentals
Music from Brazil
Music from Indonesia
Music of India
Music of India: traditional and classical; French Africa: the Colombian history of folk and primitive music; Songs and dances of Israel; Korean children’s choir
Music of the Ba-Benzélé Pygmies
Musica indígena Brasileña
Nahuat (Pipil): Field recordings from El Salvador (1978)
Nahuatl field recordings (R.B. Foster, 1971)
Nahuatl field recordings from Morelos (1962)
Nahuatl narratives on aluminum discs (Andrade, c. 1935)
Nakhi folk songs; Naxi folk songs