Swahili basic course (F.S.I.) |
Swedish pronunciation (G. Franzén, 1963) |
Swedish vowel exercises [in two parts] |
Szeged [A guide in sound] |
Tá paramythia tes NINAS |
Ta paramythia tes Theias Lenas |
Tagalog: samples sentences (and narrative) |
Talk in Bengali: Prof. Edward C. Dimock speaks on the Voice of America (c. 1960) |
Tamil language study series 2; The “Jim and Raja” conversations (revised 1989): Version for comprehension [partially edited] |
Tamil language study series 2; The “Jim and Raja” conversations (revised, 1989): Version for repetition [unedited] |
Tamil language study series 3; The "John-Gopaalan" conversations (revised, 1989) [unedited] |
Tamil permission forms |
Tamil pronunciation drills |
Tape for Linda Camras study for analysis by MSZ and BKT |
Tape lessons to accompany Intermediate Nepali reader [on cassette] |
Tape lessons to accompany Intermediate Nepali structure [on cassette] |
Tapes to accompany Português contemporâneo |
Tarascan stories (1967) |
Target words and substitutes for idiolect survey (10/22/79) |
Tartuffe: Two scenes |
Teach yourself Xhosa (Language/30 series) |
Teclas melodicas |
Telegramma |
Telegramma [in two parts] |
Telugu (G.N. Reddi, University of Chicago, 1963) |
Telugu language, art, culture (Central Institute for Indian Languages, Mysore) |
Telugu sentence structure (Central Institute for Indian Languages, Mysore) |
Telugu vocabulary development (Central Institute for Indian Languages, Mysore) |
Terje Vigen |
Test tape: Phoneme identification for Korean-American grade-school pupils, grades 1-3 |
Textos totonacos (McQuown, c. 1941) |
Textová cvičebnice českého jazyka |
Thai (Siamese): to be used with Thai (Siamese) Language Guide TM 30-331 |
The “Kurt” tapes |
The 1964 seminar on syntax given at the University of Chicago |
The anatomy of eloquence: making the sounds of speech |
The ape: So human! |
The Azuma Kabuki Musicians |
The Bhagavad Gita: selected hymns |
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal / Spanish: Religious activities in Ocosingo (G.E. Williams, 1961) |
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal, Northern: Sibacá recordings: Thematic Apperception Tests (1961) |
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: A. Medina's survey of Central Tzeltal (from Cancuc and Oxchuc) (1961) |
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Aguacatenango field recordings (1961) |
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Bachajon field recordings (G.E. Williams, 1961) |
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Bachajon field recordings (Montagu, 1960-61) |
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Bachajon recording (H.B. Sarles, 1960) |
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Recordings from Ocosingo gathered by G.E. Williams in 1961 |
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Recordings from Tenango, Chilón, Bachajón, Sitalá, etc. (G.E. Williams, 1961) |
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Sibacá recordings: Vocabulary elicitation, narratives (G.E. Williams, 1961) |
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: T.A.T. test given in Aguacatenango in 1962 |