
Swahili basic course (F.S.I.)
Swedish pronunciation (G. Franzén, 1963)
Swedish vowel exercises [in two parts]
Szeged [A guide in sound]
Tá paramythia tes NINAS
Ta paramythia tes Theias Lenas
Tagalog: samples sentences (and narrative)
Talk in Bengali: Prof. Edward C. Dimock speaks on the Voice of America (c. 1960)
Tamil language study series 2; The “Jim and Raja” conversations (revised 1989): Version for comprehension [partially edited]
Tamil language study series 2; The “Jim and Raja” conversations (revised, 1989): Version for repetition [unedited]
Tamil language study series 3; The "John-Gopaalan" conversations (revised, 1989) [unedited]
Tamil permission forms
Tamil pronunciation drills
Tape for Linda Camras study for analysis by MSZ and BKT
Tape lessons to accompany Intermediate Nepali reader [on cassette]
Tape lessons to accompany Intermediate Nepali structure [on cassette]
Tapes to accompany Português contemporâneo
Tarascan stories (1967)
Target words and substitutes for idiolect survey (10/22/79)
Tartuffe: Two scenes
Teach yourself Xhosa (Language/30 series)
Teclas melodicas
Telegramma [in two parts]
Telugu (G.N. Reddi, University of Chicago, 1963)
Telugu language, art, culture (Central Institute for Indian Languages, Mysore)
Telugu sentence structure (Central Institute for Indian Languages, Mysore)
Telugu vocabulary development (Central Institute for Indian Languages, Mysore)
Terje Vigen
Test tape: Phoneme identification for Korean-American grade-school pupils, grades 1-3
Textos totonacos (McQuown, c. 1941)
Textová cvičebnice českého jazyka
Thai (Siamese): to be used with Thai (Siamese) Language Guide TM 30-331
The “Kurt” tapes
The 1964 seminar on syntax given at the University of Chicago
The anatomy of eloquence: making the sounds of speech
The ape: So human!
The Azuma Kabuki Musicians
The Bhagavad Gita: selected hymns
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal / Spanish: Religious activities in Ocosingo (G.E. Williams, 1961)
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal, Northern: Sibacá recordings: Thematic Apperception Tests (1961)
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: A. Medina's survey of Central Tzeltal (from Cancuc and Oxchuc) (1961)
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Aguacatenango field recordings (1961)
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Bachajon field recordings (G.E. Williams, 1961)
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Bachajon field recordings (Montagu, 1960-61)
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Bachajon recording (H.B. Sarles, 1960)
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Recordings from Ocosingo gathered by G.E. Williams in 1961
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Recordings from Tenango, Chilón, Bachajón, Sitalá, etc. (G.E. Williams, 1961)
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: Sibacá recordings: Vocabulary elicitation, narratives (G.E. Williams, 1961)
The Chiapas Project; Tzeltal: T.A.T. test given in Aguacatenango in 1962