Interview microanalysis; Vasu-Roliner interview

Collection Descriptive Notes
A psychiatrist interviews a patient. NOTE: MATERIAL IS SENSITIVE.
Collection Technical Notes
Master is the original recording made in the Language Lab studio on 7/7/65 simultaneously with the filming of the interview (film code: "CL006-3"). These recordings were made as study materials for McQuown's Interview Microanalysis course. The WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
Vasu and Roliner
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
ENG 87.3 (SAFETY MASTER) Vasu, [?] (speaker); Roliner, [?] (speaker); Ledin, Donald H. (recorder) 1/4 inch audio tape
Interview analysis: Vasu-Roliner Vasu, [?] (speaker); Roliner, [?] (speaker); Ledin, Donald H. (recorder) 1/4 inch audio tape