Dutch Yiddish (1958)

Collection Descriptive Notes
After an introduction in Dutch spoken by a male native speaker, an unnamed male Yiddish speaker (using English)gives: 1) the Dutch Yiddish equivalents of tokens in German, 2) the Dutch Yiddish equivalents of Hebrew tokens as pronounced by the Dutch Ashkenazim,and 3) various expressions.
Collection Technical Notes
Tape is (apparently) a dub from another source. It was donated to the Language Lab by Eric Hamp. If JJT understands the Dutch slate, the live recording of the Yiddish was made on 9 April 1958, but the date of this copy is unknown. (Apparently Hamp had nothing to do with the original recording.) WAVE file is now converted to an MP3.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Dutch Yiddish Unnamed Dutch speaker (male) (speaker); Unnamed Dutch Yiddish speaker (male) (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape