
Pronunciation of famous Lieder
Proust: an introduction for the Sur La Bonne Voix project
Psychological interviews in Tenharim (Parintintin) (W. Kracke, 1973)
Purepecha; Tarascan: Nominal classes and enclisis (and) sample words and phrases (P. Friedrich, 1968)
Purepecha; Tarascan: Vocabulary elicitation (P. Friedrich, 1968)
Quechua interviews (Cusco and other dialects, Mannheim, 1977-78)
Quechua of Cuzco Collao (L. Morató); Runasimi qosqo collo
Quiché field recordings: Rosa Rodriguez conducts interviews in Sololá and Totonicapán (1998)
Quiche Maya texts on aluminum discs: Chichicastenango (Andrade, c. 1933)
Quiche Maya texts on aluminum discs: San Cristobal, Totonicapan (Andrade, c.1933)
Quichua de Imbabura (lessons 10-18)
Quileute texts (Hamp, 1969-70)
Quileute: Pitch accent (M. Jacobs, c. 1935)
R.D. Munda performs 15 songs from Panch Pargana
R.I. McDavid recreates his 1937 interview with Bernard Bloch: First part, pp. 7-47
R.I. McDavid, interviewed at the University of Chicago (July 1977)
Raven I. McDavid’s disc recordings (1941)
Raven McDavid and David Maurer discuss notes for The American idiom (c. 1962)
Raymond Queneau and Jean-Paul Sartre
Read about China
Read about China (1984 version)
Read about China: Supplementary materials
Read about Chinese
Read Chinese, Book 1: Lessons 14-20 (Borchert); Read Chinese: A beginning text in the Chinese character (1972-73)
Read Chinese, Book I (Yale version) (1967); Read Chinese: A beginning text in the Chinese character (1961-62)
Read Chinese, Book I [spaced version]
Read Chinese, Book II (Stanford, 1972)
Read Chinese, Book II (Yale)
Read Chinese, book III [Borchert version]
Read Chinese, Book III [Yale version]
Read Chinese, Book III: Lesson 6, pt. 2
Reading and translating contemporary Russian: sample texts
Reading passage: Das Schulsystem
Readings for advanced Chinese
Readings for Korean II: parts I and II
Readings from Norwegian literature, issued by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Readings from the Gulistan of Saʻdi, part II (for elementary and intermediate students)
Readings in Arabic poetry F.M. (with pauses for repetition)
Readings in English
Readings in modern Chinese history and social sciences: Lessons 1-4; 6-11
Readings of Welsh poetry and prose; Recordiau darllen rhyddiaith a barddoniaeth
Recitation of the Qur’an
Reconstruction, inheritance, diffusion and change (presidential address to the conference of the Linguistic Society of America, December 30, 1971, St. Louis, MO)
Recordings by Mme Brochéry
Recordings from Norwegian radio (1995-200)
Recordings from Oslo radio (1995)
Recordings in Central Nahuatl, made in Puebla and Tlaxcala States by Jane Rosenthal (1973-1982)
Recordings of Bengali dialects from Chittagong and Dhaka (1964)
Recordings of Black English (1940)
Recordings to accompany Manual of articulatory phonetics, by William Smalley