Three Macedonian dialects (Aronson, 1957) |
Three soliloquies from Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Russian |
Three songs from the play Těžká Barbora |
Three Spanish songs |
Three stories for children (from the Panchatantra) |
Thunder Storm: A play in four acts for students of Chinese (edited version) 1974-75 |
Tibetan readings class: 10/6/00 |
Tibetan: Phonetic discovery procedures |
Titanic vals: Comedie de Tudor Muşatescu |
Tlingit (Chilcat) recordings on disc (c. 1917) |
Tojolabal texts (Louanna Furbee, 1971) |
Tolowa vocabulary (and songs) (Seaburg, 1977) |
Tonkawa: Songs, stories and grammatical materials (c. 1935) |
Topaze: Selected scenes from Acts II-IV |
Torwali field recordings (Elena Bashir) |
Totonac phonemics (McQuown, c. 1958) |
Tramp i trall |
Tres sonetos (Villaespesa) |
Tri sestry |
Tristan da Cunha speech [English] |
Tsakonian: a Swadesh glottochronology test list with texts (Hamp, 1956) |
Tswana stories [in English], recorded in South Africa (Comaroff, 1969-70) |
Tucson dialect study (c. 1979) |
Tudor Arghezi recită din versurile sale |
Tumkul whistles and a chant (#122) |
Tunisian Arabic basic course (Indiana University) |
Turkish (World foreign language record series) |
Turkish 201: Turkish pronunciation exercises |
Turkish basic course |
Turkish basic course: Units 1-30 |
Turkish for foreigners |
Turkish grammar exercises (1962) |
Turkish intonation (McQuown, c. 1953) |
Turkish placement exam (1986) |
Turkish stories and poems (McQuown, c. 1953) |
Turkish: A communicative approach |
Turkish: Basic course (Foreign Service Institute) |
Twenty lectures on Chinese culture [Chicago version, c. 1973] |
Twenty lectures on Chinese culture [Yale version, c. 1973] |
Twilight crane |
Two "recitados cómicos" (Jiménez) |
Two Biblical passages read in English |
Two comic monologs by Monsieur Zip [Paul Lack] |
Two comic skits in Spanish |
Two dialects of American English (McQuown, McDavid) |
Two excerpts from plays by Alfred de Musset |
Two Krenakôre myths (Schwartzman, 1981) |
Two lectures on physical geography (Butzer, 1967) |
Two Lukhi songs: “Ah-ha-bi-li” and a “Tibetan song” |
Two short French narratives: "Le convoîteux...", etc. |