
Three Macedonian dialects (Aronson, 1957)
Three soliloquies from Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Russian
Three songs from the play Těžká Barbora
Three Spanish songs
Three stories for children (from the Panchatantra)
Thunder Storm: A play in four acts for students of Chinese (edited version) 1974-75
Tibetan readings class: 10/6/00
Tibetan: Phonetic discovery procedures
Titanic vals: Comedie de Tudor Muşatescu
Tlingit (Chilcat) recordings on disc (c. 1917)
Tojolabal texts (Louanna Furbee, 1971)
Tolowa vocabulary (and songs) (Seaburg, 1977)
Tonkawa: Songs, stories and grammatical materials (c. 1935)
Topaze: Selected scenes from Acts II-IV
Torwali field recordings (Elena Bashir)
Totonac phonemics (McQuown, c. 1958)
Tramp i trall
Tres sonetos (Villaespesa)
Tri sestry
Tristan da Cunha speech [English]
Tsakonian: a Swadesh glottochronology test list with texts (Hamp, 1956)
Tswana stories [in English], recorded in South Africa (Comaroff, 1969-70)
Tucson dialect study (c. 1979)
Tudor Arghezi recită din versurile sale
Tumkul whistles and a chant (#122)
Tunisian Arabic basic course (Indiana University)
Turkish (World foreign language record series)
Turkish 201: Turkish pronunciation exercises
Turkish basic course
Turkish basic course: Units 1-30
Turkish for foreigners
Turkish grammar exercises (1962)
Turkish intonation (McQuown, c. 1953)
Turkish placement exam (1986)
Turkish stories and poems (McQuown, c. 1953)
Turkish: A communicative approach
Turkish: Basic course (Foreign Service Institute)
Twenty lectures on Chinese culture [Chicago version, c. 1973]
Twenty lectures on Chinese culture [Yale version, c. 1973]
Twilight crane
Two "recitados cómicos" (Jiménez)
Two Biblical passages read in English
Two comic monologs by Monsieur Zip [Paul Lack]
Two comic skits in Spanish
Two dialects of American English (McQuown, McDavid)
Two excerpts from plays by Alfred de Musset
Two Krenakôre myths (Schwartzman, 1981)
Two lectures on physical geography (Butzer, 1967)
Two Lukhi songs: “Ah-ha-bi-li” and a “Tibetan song”
Two short French narratives: "Le convoîteux...", etc.