Introduction to the Sanskrit language (Berkeley, 1984)

Collection Descriptive Notes
Unnamed English speaker (male) introduces each lesson and provides slates for each section; a native speaker (male) voices the Sanskrit. The identity of the text is not specified.
Collection Technical Notes
Cassettes are the copies sent from Berkeley and donated to the LLA by Paul J. Griffiths on 9/24/85. WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Introduction/Sanskrit: Lessons 1-6 Unnamed native speaker (male) (speaker); Unnamed author (author); Unnamed English speaker (male) (speaker) 1/8 inch audio cassette
Introduction/Sanskrit: Lessons 7-14 Unnamed native speaker (male) (speaker); Unnamed English speaker (male) (speaker); Unnamed author (author) 1/8 inch audio cassette
Introduction/Sanskrit: Lessons 15-18 Unnamed native speaker (male) (speaker); Unnamed English speaker (male) (speaker); Unnamed author (author) 1/8 inch audio cassette
Introduction/Sanskrit: Lessons 19-22 Unnamed English speaker (male) (speaker); Unnamed author (author); Unnamed native speaker (male) (speaker) 1/8 inch audio cassette