Stantsionnyi smotritel'

Collection Descriptive Notes
Native speaker does a “dramatic” reading of the Pushkin story.
Collection Technical Notes
Master is apparently the tape sent from the distributor, Russian Language Specialties (Chicago)–a tape which was itself dubbed from a Soviet disc. From the Foreword to the text: "This edition of Pushkin's The Station Master serves as the visual counterpart to a dramatic reading of the story by A.N. Konsovsky. The few passages not included in the recording are enclosed in brackets in the printed version.... The printed text itself is a photo-offset reproduction of a 1958 Detgiz edition, whose editor was N.S. Abramova....”
Konsovsky, A.N.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Stantsionnyi smotritel Konsovsky, A.N. (speaker); Pushkin, Alexander S. (author); Magner, Thomas F. (editor) 1/4 inch audio tape
Stantsionnyi smotritel: an audio-visual edition Pushkin, Alexander S. (author); Magner, Thomas F. (editor) Text