Khoroshoye delo: Chapter 8 of Gorky's Detstvo

Collection Descriptive Notes
Track 1: “Khorosheye delo” [A good thing] -- an excerpt from Gorkii’s autobiography, Detstvo [My childhood], read by Zhuravlev;Track 2: “Russkii kharakter” [The Russian character] -- by Aleksei Tolstoi, read by Mordvinov
Collection Technical Notes
From the notes on the box: “This master was dubbed [according to the notes on the old box] on 13 April 1964--probably by D.H. Ledin--from Soviet discs. Transferred to this box by JJT 5/25/82.” (Unreviewed) WAVE file is now converted to an MP3.
Zhuravlyov, [?]
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
“Khoroshoye delo” [1] Gorkii, Maxim (author); Zhuravlev, Dimitrii (performer) 1/4 inch audio tape
“Khoroshoye delo” [2] Gorky, Maksim (author); Tolstoy, Aleksei (author); Zhuravlev, Dimitrii (speaker); Mordvinov, [?] (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
Khoroshoye delo: Chapter 8 of Gorky's Detstvo Gorky, Maksim (author) Text