Lecciones en lengua quekchí [Kekchí]

Collection Descriptive Notes
Unnamed Spanish speaker (female) reads the Spanish words and phrases of each lesson, and a native speaker (male) supplies the Kekchí equivalents. (See the text on file for the script of the tape.)
Collection Technical Notes
Tape was dubbed from the field-recorded C-90 cassette lent to the LLA by Galio Gurdián. Text was photocopied from a (mimeographed?) original. Note: the title page is lacking; the title is supplied from the notes of N.A. McQuown. WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Lecciones en Queckchí: Lecciones 1-9 Unnamed author (author) Text
kek-lsn1a Sound
kek-lsn1b Sound
Lecciones 1-9 Unnamed author (author); Unnamed Spanish speaker (female) (speaker); Unnamed native speaker (male) (speaker); Gurdian, Galio (depositor) 1/4 inch audio tape