Intermediate Nepali reader [on open reels]

Collection Descriptive Notes
Various native speakers (male) voice the texts and exercises of Lessons 1-12 of the textbook (=Volume 2 of the set entitled Intermediate Nepali Structure (apparently the one published in New Delhi by Manohar in 1979). The tapes were recorded at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Collection Technical Notes
Masters are the copies sent from the Univ. of Wisconsin c. 1979 and donated to the LLA by Colin Masica on 5/13/80. (It is not clear what relation this series has to the version on cassettes issued by Wisconsin in 1978.) Note: At intervals a low-level tone marks off the various parts of each lesson as well as the conclusion of each lesson. (The tones are deleted from the digitized files.) WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
NEP 15.8 (M) Verma, M.K. (author); Sharma, T.V. (author); Unnamed native speakers (male) (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
NEP 15.7 (M) Verma, M.K. (author); Sharma, T.V. (author); Unnamed native speakers (male) (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
NEP 15.6 (M) Verma, M.K. (author); Sharma, T.V. (author); Unnamed native speakers (male) (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
NEP 15.5 (M) Verma, M.K. (author); Sharma, T.V. (author); Unnamed native speakers (male) (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
NEP 15.4 (M) Verma, M.K. (author); Sharma, T.V. (author); Unnamed native speakers (male) (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
NEP 15.3 (M) Verma, M.K. (author); Sharma, T.V. (author); Unnamed native speakers (male) (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
NEP 15.2 (M) Verma, M.K. (author); Sharma, T.V. (author); Unnamed native speakers (male) (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
NEP 15.1 (M) Verma, M.K. (author); Sharma, T.V. (author); Unnamed native speakers (male) (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape