Basic Mohawk vocabulary (Hogansburg, NY, 1977)

Collection Descriptive Notes
Native (male) speaker reads the English tokens, then pronounces the Mohawk equivalents four times. (Note: Speaker is reading from the text prepared by Fr. Jacobs (q.v.).)
Collection Technical Notes
Masters are dubs from Druke’s (original, field-recorded?) cassettes, recorded on 30 January 1977 at the consultant's home in Hogansburg, NY. WAVE files are converted to MP3s.
LaFrance, Ted, consultant
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Basic Mohawk vocabulary (St. Regis Reserve, Quebec/1969) Jacobs, Michael (compiler); Druke, Mary A. (researcher); LaFrance, Ted (consultant) Text
moh-druke-1.1 Sound
moh-druke-1.2 Sound
moh-druke-2 Sound
Basic Mohawk vocabulary [1] Druke, Mary A. (researcher); LaFrance, Ted (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
Basic Mohawk vocabulary [2] Druke, Mary A. (researcher); LaFrance, Ted (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape