University of Chicago Melanesian Pidgin: Introductory conversation (1943)

Collection Descriptive Notes
A man identified only as "A. Hannemann" pronounces a series of sample sentences in Pidgin with pauses for the student to repeat. Only the notes of N.A. McQuown establish: 1) that the University of Chicago is the place of production, 2) that 31 August 1943 is the date of production and 3) that A. Hannemann is the speaker. (Note that McQuown was not at the University of Chicago until 1946.)
Collection Technical Notes
Phonograph records are the two original, needle-cut discs in their original paper sleeves. (The blanks were manufactured by the Universal Microphone Company, Ltd., Inglewood, CA). (Note: The date of 31 August 1943 for the recording is suspect in that it seems to be a late date for the use of aluminum discs, which were used in the 1930s.) Text is scanned, and WAVE file is converted to an MP3.
Hannemann, A., consultant (?)
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
Introductory conversation: Disc No. 1 Unnamed author (author); Hannemann, A. (speaker) Record
Introductory conversation: Disc No. 2 Unnamed author (researcher); Hannemann, A. (speaker) Record
U. of C. Melanesian Pidgin English Unnamed researcher (researcher); Hannemann, A. (consultant) 1/4 inch audio tape
University of Chicago Melanesian Pidgin: introductory conversation Unnamed compiler (compiler) Text