The living voice of Greek and Latin literature); The pronunciation and reading of ancient Greek: A practical guide (second revised edition)

Collection Descriptive Notes
Daitz explains features of the ancient Greek language: its vowels and consonants, pitch accent, prosody, etc. He gives examples of the restored pronunciation, including excerpts from Demonstration Texts (Homer, Plato, Aiskhylos, Euripides and Sappho). A text of all the readings is on file.
Collection Technical Notes
Set includes the two cassettes from the publisher along with a companion booklet. (Gift of Elizabeth Asmis to the LLA on 10/16/86) WAVE files are now converted to MP3s.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
The pronunciation and reading of ancient Greek: a practical guide (second revised edition) (from the series The Living Voice of Greek and Latin Literature) Plato (author); Euripides (author); Sappho (author); Daitz, Stephen G. (author); Homer (author); Aiskhylos (author) Text
The pronunciation and reading of ancient Greek: a practical guide (second revised edition) (from the series The Living Voice of Greek and Latin Literature) Daitz, Stephen G. (compiler); Daitz, Stephen G. (performer) 1/8 inch audio cassette