Conference on Eskimo linguistics (June 5-7, 1970, University of Chicago)

Collection Descriptive Notes
At a conference conducted in 1970 on the University of Chicago campus, Eric Hamp presides over the proceedings to which numerous researchers contribute their findings on Inuit and Aleut syntax. Since "Eskimo" is no longer used, this record references two dialects of Inuit and one of Aleut in the hopes of covering most of the dialects mentioned on the tapes: Inuktitut, Kalaallisut and Aleut. (A book of the papers presented at the conference was published by the Chicago Linguistic Society in 1976.)
Collection Technical Notes
Tapes (which are probably the live recordings) were donated to the LLA c. 1990 by EPH. [Note: Tape 3 appears to be missing, but this may be just an artifact of misnumbering.] WAVE files are converted to MP3s.
Hamp, Eric P.; et al.
This collection has no playable audio.
Title Contributor Medium
eng-eskimoconf-001a Sound
eng-eskimoconf-001b Sound
eng-eskimoconf-004a Sound
eng-eskimoconf-004b Sound
eng-eskimoconf-7-1a Sound
Conference on Eskimo linguistics... [1] Hamp, Eric P. (speaker); Bergsland, Knut (speaker); Silverstein, Michael (participant); Sadock, Jerrold (participant); Various other speakers (speaker); Fisher, Bill (recorder) 1/4 inch audio tape
Conference on Eskimo linguistics... [7.1] Hamp, Eric P. (speaker); Hammerich, Louis L. (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
Conference on Eskimo linguistics... [6] (M) Hamp, Eric P. (speaker); Miller, Gary (speaker); Silverstein, Michael (speaker); Unnamed male lecturer (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
Conference on Eskimo linguistics... [5] (M) Hamp, Eric P. (speaker); Unnamed speakers (male and female) (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
Conference on Eskimo linguistics... [4] (M) Hamp, Eric P. (speaker); Unnamed (female) speaker (speaker); Landa, Herbert (?) (speaker); Silverstein, Michael (participant); Saladin d'Anglure, Bernard (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape
Conference on Eskimo linguistics... [2] (M) Hamp, Eric P. (speaker); Unnamed (male) speakers (speaker) 1/4 inch audio tape